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Live the Dream...Again

Lots of places use our DeLorean part numbers as identifiers for their "cross-reference" or "copycat" parts, creating confusion in the marketplace. This DMC New Original Stock, or NOS, part traces its origins back to 1982, when the DeLorean factory closed. In some cases, the part has traveled from the original supplier in the US to Dunmurry before making it's way to Ohio and finally Texas!

A gasket is a seal that fills gaps between two or more mating surfaces, generally to prevent leakage from or into the joined objects while under compression. Gaskets are made from deformable materials that are specifically engineered to create a static seal that performs under various operating conditions in a mechanical assembly.

This brake servo to master cylinder gasket fills the space between the brake servo and the primary brake cylinder (master) in a DeLorean.

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