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Live the Dream...Again

Lots of places use our DeLorean part numbers as identifiers for their "cross-reference" or "copycat" parts, creating confusion in the marketplace. This DMC New Original Stock, or NOS, part traces its origins back to 1982, when the DeLorean factory closed. In some cases, the part has traveled from the original supplier in the US to Dunmurry before making it's way to Ohio and finally Texas!

This particular style of carpet was used on 1981 and 1982 gray interior DeLoreans up to about VIN 10578. This is commonly referred to as the "early gray" carpet and it has a coarser texture than the "late gray". Check out the closeup photo in the Knowledgebase article to help match it to your interior carpets.Not sure which carpet piece you need? Check out our handy interior component reference chart, available as a PDF download here!
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